الجمعة، 28 يناير 2011

سقوط بن علي

أظهر استطلاع للرأي أجراه مركز«الدراسات العربي الأوروبي» ومقره باريس ان اهم الأسباب الفعلية التي تقف وراء الإطاحة بالرئيس التونسي زين العابدين بن علي الاستفراد بالسلطة والمكوث فيها زمنا طويلا . 93.7 في المئة من الذين شملهم الاستطلاع رأوا ايضا ان من اسباب الاطاحة بزين العابدين مصادرة الحريات العامة واتباع سياسة تكميم الافواة وهدر الطاقات وانتشار الفساد والسياسة الاقتصادية الفاشلة وعدم تكافؤ الفرص وانتشار الفقر بسبب البطالة والظلم الاجتماعي وفقدان العدالة ومنع الحجاب وكبت المشاعر الدينية. اما 3.8 في المئة رأوا ان الشعب التونسي عاش خلال حقبة حكم ابن علي محصنا ضد العنف والإرهاب والتنظيمات الراديكالية،وكرس كل طاقته للبناء ،فكانت له إنجازاته على مستوى المنطقة . اما 2.5 في المئة يرون ان السبب الذي يقف وراء الإطاحة بالرئيس التونسي هو الجيش والذي تخلى عن مسؤولياته تجاه حماية نظامه السياسي . وخلص المركز الى نتيجة مفادها رأي مركز الدراسات العربي الأوروبي : ذهب البعض الى حد اتهام جهات خارجية بأنها تقف وراء الإطاحة بنظام الرئيس زين العابدين بن علي في تونس ، ولكن وقائع الإنتفاضة الى حصلت في كل مناطق تونس بينت ان الشعب قد لجأ الى خيار الشارع دون توجيهات خارجية او داخلية بسبب المشاكل الإجتماعية والإقتصادية المتفاقمة التي يعاني منها الشعب حيث شاع الفساد والرشوة ، وعمت البطالة ، وأرتفعت اسعار المواد الأساسية ، وزاد منسوب القمع والإضطهاد دون ان ينخذ النظام التونسي اي اجراءات جدية لمعالجة هذه الأمور رغم ما كان يتلقى من تحذيرات من منظمات دولية ومن انظمة غربية كانت تقف الى جانبه وتقدم له الدعم المالي والسياسي والعسكري .ومما يؤكد عفوية التحرك اننا لم نسمع باسم أي شخص يتحدث بأسم الإنتفاضة ، ولا قرأنا أي بيان يعلن ان هناك جهة معينة مسؤولة عن تحريك الشارع بما فيها قوى المعارضة التي يبدو انها تفاجأت بما جرى ولم تتوقع سقوط النظام بهذه السرعة .ولا ننفي هنا انه كان للجيش دور كبير في سقوط النظام ليس من خلال الإنقلاب على زين العابدين بن علي بل من خلال عدم الخضوع لأوامر السلطات السياسية التي كانت تطالبه بفرض النظام بالقوة حتى وأن احتاج الأمر سقوط القتلى والجرحى .والملاحظ انه مع سقوط الرئيس بن علي حاول البعض تقديم نفسه على انه البديل الشرعي محملاً مسؤولية الأزمات الى بن علي نفسه ولكن فئات كثيرة من الشعب رفضت ذلك وأعتبرت ان ثورتها تستلزم تغييراً جذرياً في بنية النظام وإحداث قطيعة مع كل ما له علاقة بتاريخ تونس الرسمي وذلك عبر الإسراع بإجراء انتخابات برلمانية ورئاسية .وتعيش تونس الأن مخاضاً قد يستمر فترة ولكن ما هو مقبل لن يكون في كل الأحوال اسوأ مما كان قائماً .

السبت، 8 يناير 2011

फौर common

Time is limited (we do, after all, have 24 hours in a day), so it's not uncommon to feel apprehensive as the minutes tick away. Many people let that apprehension overwhelm them, which puts their success at risk.

That's why, today, I want to talk about four common time obstacles. And I want to show you how to move them out of the way so you can successfully complete your goals:

1. Don't let TIME lock you in.

I encourage members of our Total Success Achievement/Epiphany Alliance program to keep a tight schedule -- a certain number of hours spent on each of their goals every day. I recommend that they limit the number of goals they set, too.

Sure, some projects will have time constraints that you should meet. (You don't want to undermine the importance of meeting deadlines. Getting your work done on time is crucial to creating trust with your colleagues, clients, and employers.)

But more often than not, the time constraint will be an artificial deadline. By artificial, I mean it will be the "preferred" point in time to have the project completed. With proper scheduling, the project will probably be completed on time -- but the world won't come to an end it it's a few days late.

Work diligently toward your deadlines, but do not impose excessive pressure on yourself. There is no need to risk your health by being overly stressed. You can:

Ask for an extension or...

Delegate certain tasks to others.

The first (and best) way to get out of the "locked in" thinking about time is to simply TAKE ACTION. Michael Masterson calls this the "Ready, FIRE, Aim" principal. Taking action (FIRING) is a way to put time to work for you and pull yourself out of that self-imposed prison of deadlines and schedules.

You may not be able to guarantee a project's completion date, yet you can be mindful of the date and make your best effort to move toward it.

2. Don't let TIME overpower you.

We live in an increasingly distracting world. If you're not checking e-mail, you're answering the phone... or you're in a meeting... or you're rushing to pick up your kids. It's easy to feel swamped. And when you feel swamped, you can shut down.

Shutting down is no way to accomplish your goals!

Instead of allowing all the interruptions to overload your brain, stay in the moment. Don't think about your daughter's soccer game at 6:00... don't worry about tomorrow's meeting... don't agonize over your mother-in-law's visit next weekend. Stay in the moment and ignore all the chatter inside your head.

Calm down by reminding yourself that you have a schedule. You do, don't you?

Focus on the task at hand, and you'll be more productive and efficient. It may seem contradictory, but if you stay in the present moment you will move forward -- and much faster than if you spend your time running around in anxious circles.

Remember, the idea is to make time your friend... not the enemy!

What If You Could Bend Time to Suit Your Purposes?

Success mentor Bob Cox discovered a secret... one that grew his income by 300%, helped him co-found a local start-up that grew into a $2-billion-a-year enterprise, and made it possible for him to retire (for the first time) at age 36.

The same secret could be your key to success. You can get the full details -- and find out how to use this secret to create your own life of relaxed accomplishment -- right here.

3. Don't let TIME carry the bad moments forward.

I remember working with a CFO on a big project with a tight deadline. We were coordinating our schedules to arrange meetings with key vendors and management teams. He objected to having to be present at all these meetings and "went off" on me.

Then he paused, calmed down, and realized that (being the money guy) his participation was crucial.

He apologized and said, "Bob, I behaved badly. I want us to put that moment on a ship... sail it out into the ocean and blow it up. Then it will be gone, and we can move forward. Is that okay with you?" I replied, "Sure, great idea. Bye-bye boat... Bye-bye bad moment."

The lesson: Precious time slips by when you are dwelling on something that made you feel angry or upset. Don't let that happen to you.

Here's what to do when you catch yourself having a bad moment:

Acknowledge the mistake/inconvenience/frustration to yourself but avoid "going off" on someone else.

Take a deep breath or excuse yourself for a few minutes to collect and compose yourself.

Begin again where you were BEFORE things went off course.

Let the bad moment sail out to sea... never to be mentioned again.

You really don't have the time or the energy to keep dragging bad things forward. It is a natural tendency... dragging the bad forward. However, it SLOWS down the progress you're trying to make on your goals.

4. Don't let TIME be a stressor.

Years ago, I used to watch a TV show called Cheers. One of the characters, Frasier, had a fear of flying, and he joined a support group to try to overcome it. Their counselor took the group on an airplane, telling them "think of your happy place" when the fear begins and become "one with your happy place" instead of one with your fear. The situation made for a funny show. But the counselor's advice had some real value...

You too can use this technique of thinking of "your happy place"
when you become stressed about time.

It is an excellent way to distance yourself from the anxiety yet still remain in the moment or... get past the moment.

If you find yourself feeling stressed out, pressured, or off track:

Step away from your desk (or wherever you are).

Take a deep breath and release it slowly (counting to 10).

Close your eyes and picture your "happy place." Maybe it's lying in a hammock on a Sunday afternoon... being in a movie theater watching a great film... thinking about the hug you will receive from your daughter when you get home...

Wherever your "happy place" may be, picture it until you feel yourself becoming calmer. Once you've reconnected with being in a good frame of mind, you can get back to work.

Time Is a Blessing

Time is a valuable tool when you're trying to accomplish your goals. The trick is to make time your friend by remembering that it is a reference point. It's not something to worry about, nor is it an enemy. If you find yourself confronting any of the above time obstacles... take a deep breath and put my recommended success techniques to work.

[Ed. Note: You can change your life and accomplish all your goals with simple strategies like the ones Bob Cox just shared. For dozens more ways to turn your dreams into reality -- plus tons of goal-setting tools and motivation to get yourself going -- sign up for ETR's Total Success Achievement/Epiphany Alliance program. Go here to find out how Bob can help you make 2011 your best year ever.]

Together, We'll Build a Business With All the Nuts and Bolts -- One That Makes Money Too

Once you receive your ETR Perfect Home Business Quick-Start Program, you'll discover (with the help of our expert mentors) how to easily and methodically...

Set up a fully functional website using the simple -- and FREE -- software that Early to Rise uses for its own websites...

Come up with an idea for your business (based on something that you love and that potential customers are willing to pay for!)...

Research your potential customer base...

Set up your own Early to Rise Model business -- using the same formula that helped Agora, Inc. (ETR's parent company) soar from approximately $1 million in online sales to $275 million in under 10 years...

Uncover 8 easy methods you can use to build an e-mail list of customers hungry for YOUR product (going through each technique in detail)...

And much, much more.

This simple-to-use blueprint will be revealed to you in the ETR Perfect Home Business Quick-Start Program.

"I love Bob Cox's system and his program."

"I can't tell you how important Bob Cox's Total Success Achievement/Epiphany Alliance program has been in the progress I have made in my life... I have lost almost 50 pounds and have greatly improved my health. I have probably increased the value of my company by at least 50%. In short, I love Bob's system and his program. I love being exposed to the way he thinks about business, life, goals, etc."

Kristy Chou

Atlanta, GA

There's No Reason Why You Shouldn't Be the Next Overnight Success Story...

Maybe you've heard all those "overnight" Internet success stories, and have been wishing you could be next. Well, it's finally your turn...

One online entrepreneur we know made $1.8 million selling... pajamas. A couple from California -- using the same business model -- made $25 million. (They sell flags, gardening tools, baby furniture, and more.)

How'd they do it? They were able to get their products for pennies on the dollar and sell them at a huge mark-up.

We want to show you how to get into the same type of easy-to-operate business. All you have to do is follow a simple plan that walks you -- step by step -- through this online business that takes full advantage of our global economy and the Internet. To see if your financial success is right around the corner, continue here...

The Language Perfectionist: Whiling Away
By Don Hauptman

I found these sentences via online search. Can you see a problem with them?

"The screensaver comes on for awhile and then goes blank."

"Good to leave DC for awhile."

"My husband and I are separating for awhile."

In all three examples, awhile (one word) should be a while (two words).

Why? The word awhile is an adverb. It means "for a period" or "for a time." Thus, for is baked into the word, and for awhile is redundant.

On the other hand, a while is a noun phrase, consisting of an indefinite article and a noun. It's properly used following a preposition, so the final example above should read, "My husband and I are separating for a while."

[Ed Note: For more than three decades, Don Hauptman was an award-winning independent direct-response copywriter and creative consultant. He is author of The Versatile Freelancer, an e-book that shows writers and other creative professionals how to diversify their careers into speaking, consulting, training, and critiquing.]

الثلاثاء، 4 يناير 2011

हैप्पी year

wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy, Safe & Prosperous New Year
"Wishing you a fantastic Year 2011